Is Architecture Is A Subject In Upsc Board?

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Is architecture an optional subject for UPSC?

Since, there is no subject related to Architecture in the list of optionals, you better go with the one which you can study without losing interest as except Law, Medicine & Engineering all papers are of Honours Degree level.

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Which type of paper comes in UPSC exam?

UPSC CSE Prelims consists of two papers namely General Studies I and CSAT (General Studies Paper-II). While CSAT is qualifying in nature, the marks obtained in the General Studies paper determine your selection for UPSC Mains. It means your score in the General Studies Paper will be considered for the Prelims cutoff.

Are pencils allowed in UPSC?

Write your Roll number and other particulars, in the space provided on the cover page of the Question-Cum-Answer-Booklet. 3. Write legibly and neatly in ink. Pencil may be used for drawing diagrams, sketches, etc.

What is Paper A and B in UPSC mains?

Paper A & B are qualifying papers on Indian Languages & English. These papers test candidates’ abilities to read & understand prose, and to express their ideas correctly through languages.

What are the 5 compulsory subjects in UPSC?

What are the compulsory subjects for UPSC exam prelims? In UPSC Prelims, the compulsory subjects are Indian Polity and Governance, General Science, History, Geography, Economic and Social Development, etc.

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Is UPSC only Mcq?

The qualified candidates from the prelims are provided with a separate hall ticket for the Mains. The marks obtained here are of utmost importance and are considered final while getting a national rank. To answer the question “Is UPSC Mains MCQ type?” No, they are not.

Who got highest marks in UPSC?

What are the highest marks in UPSC Mains till now? Anudeep Durishetty scored the highest marks in UPSC Mains till now. He scored 950 marks out of 1025 marks.

Is UPSC very tough?

It is indeed immense and contains a diverse range of subjects, unlike many other exams where you need expertise only in one or two subjects. If you look at the success rate in the IAS exam, you will understand why it is considered one of the toughest exams in India and some say, the world.

How much is 150 words in UPSC?

A general thumb rule which can be helpful in the exam hall is that – if the question has a 150-word limit, then the answer should be written within 1 and a half A4 pages. If it’s 250, then write the answer not going beyond 2.5 A4 pages.

Is Tattoo allowed in IAS?

Wearing a tattoo doesn’t restrict you to appear for UPSC civil services. IAS aspirants and civil service aspirants can definitely have a tattoo on their body parts except for the face, finger, forearm, and other parts, which are generally visible.