How To Start Studying For Gs Upsc?

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How do I start studying GS?

Start your preparation with NCERT books of 10th and 12th standard on various subjects like History, Geography, Polity, Science, Indian Foreign policy & International Relation etc. and then go through other books recommended for G.S. It will be better to prepare G.S. mains first and then for Prelim.

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How to start GS 1 preparation for IAS?

Do not read many books. Keep one source and read it many times. Make brief notes on the subtopics. Keep revising and updating them. Current affairs develop your analytical skills. Devote fixed time to answer writing.

How to study for GS 1 UPSC?

Go through the syllabus given in the UPSC CSE notification. Start with the NCERTs to build up your knowledge base, especially for geography, history and Indian society. After completing the NCERTs, go through the standard textbooks.

Should I prepare optional or GS first?

First, start preparing for GS, and then after some time take this decision. Because in four GS papers you will be introduced to a variety of optional subjects like History, Geography, Public Administration, Political Science and Sociology. This will help you to determine your inclination to a particular subject.

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How can I improve my GK GS?

The best way to improve GK is also the most traditional one, i.e., reading books! Reading various books, both fiction and nonfiction, will add to your knowledge, as every book contains knowledge that you might not know. It will also improve your grammar and your command of language.

Should I take coaching for GS UPSC?

There is no rule that you need to attend coaching classes to clear the IAS exam.

Which book is best for GS 1?

History of Medieval India (800–1700 AD) by Satish Chandra published by Orient Longman ( Amazon Link ) ( Buy Full Set of 3 Books ) History of Modern India by Bipin Chandra (2009 Edition) ( Amazon Link ) ( Buy Full Set of 3 Books ) India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra & Others ( Amazon Link )

Which optional subject helps GS?

In Civil Services Mains Examination as well, Geography as an optional is highly useful . The syllabus of Geography Optional overlaps with almost 40% of the GS syllabus. Questions from Physical Geography, Human Geography, India and World Geography are directly asked in Paper 1 and Paper 2 of General Studies.

Is 4 hours enough for UPSC?

Some aspirants claim to be studying 15–16 hours a day to prepare to take the UPSC exam. Some can pass the exam with just 6-7 hours of study per day. There isn’t a perfect answer to this question, and candidates must determine the number of hours they spend studying each day based on their abilities and needs.

How many hours UPSC toppers study?

This is one of the foremost questions that strike the mind of a UPSC aspirant. Many professors and toppers suggest studying for approximately 15 hours daily during IAS preparation. In contrast, several fast learners clear the exam by studying for 6-7 hours daily.