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UPSC कौन कौन से पोस्ट होते है?


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जीरो लेवल से UPSC की तैयारी कैसे शुरू करें?

सबसे पहले एग्जाम की पूरी जानकारी होना जरूरी है। एग्जाम में आने वाले सिलेबस को समझे । रणनीति और अध्ययन की सामग्री को इकट्ठा करें । एकाग्रता के साथ पढ़ाई करें । पढ़ाई के साथ ही साथ लेखन करना भी जरूरी है । बार-बार मोक टेस्ट दीजिए रोज़ाना न्यूज़ पेपर और मैगज़ीन पढ़े।

UPSC की तैयारी के लिए कौन सी बुक खरीदे?

एम. नितिन सिंघानिया (कल्चर) की लिखी किताब गोह चेंग लेओंग (भूगोल) की लिखी सर्टिफिकेट फिजिकल एंड ह्यूमन जियोग्राफी ऑक्सफोर्ड पब्लिशर्स द्वारा ऑक्सफोर्ड स्कूल एटलस (भूगोल) रमेश सिंह (अर्थव्यवस्था) की लिखी इंडियन इकोनॉमी इकोनॉमिक सर्वे बाई मिनिस्ट्री (इकोनॉमी)

हिंदी मीडियम से आईएएस की तैयारी कैसे करें?

सबसे पहले एग्जाम की पूरी जानकारी होना जरूरी है। एग्जाम में आने वाले सिलेबस को समझे । रणनीति और अध्ययन की सामग्री को इकट्ठा करें । एकाग्रता के साथ पढ़ाई करें । पढ़ाई के साथ ही साथ लेखन करना भी जरूरी है । बार-बार मोक टेस्ट दीजिए रोज़ाना न्यूज़ पेपर और मैगज़ीन पढ़े।

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Is UPSC very tough?

Contrary to many other tests where you just require knowledge of one or two disciplines, it is indeed enormous and encompasses a wide variety of subjects. You can see why the IAS test is regarded as one of the most difficult in India, and some would even claim the entire globe, by looking at the exam’s success rate.

Which degree is best for UPSC?

The finest degree for UPSC, according to Mr. Sumanth Makam, the creator of one of the top UPSC coaching facilities in Bangalore, is a Bachelor of Arts degree at the Hons level, which is what most applicants choose to pursue in order to pass the UPSC exams.

How can I crack UPSC?

Divide and conquer; stop looking at the IAS curriculum as a whole. Create a schedule and use it wisely. 4.Participate in Valuable Conversations. Regularly solve mock papers. Develop your ability to write answers. The two-revision limit. Never skip reading the newspaper.

Can girls give UPSC?

The general female candidate cannot be older than 32 years old and must be 21 years old by August 1 of the examination year. By August 1 of the exam year, the OBC female candidate must be 21 years old, and she cannot be older than 35 years.

Who is youngest IAS officer?

Shaikh Ansar. Dabi Tina. Saini, Roman. Goyal Gaurav Aurangabadkar Amrutesh Susree S. David Singh. Meena Swati.

Which civil service is strongest?

The Cabinet Secretary is the top government employee. According to the procedures of the Government of India, they are the head of all civil services, the chief of the Indian Administrative Service, and the ex-officio Chairman of the Civil Services Board.

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What are the 24 services of UPSC?

All these services contribute to a total of 24 posts in UPSC namely- IAS, IPS, IFoS, IFS, IAAS, ICFS, IPoS, IRTS, IRS, RPF, ICAS, IRAS IRPS, ITS, ICLS, IDAS, IIS, IDES, IOFS, Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service, DANICS, Pondicherry Civil Service, Pondicherry Police Service, and DANIPS.

What is the dress code for UPSC interview?

IAS, IPS, IFoS, IFS, IAAS, ICFS, IPoS, IRTS, IRS, RPF, ICAS, IRAS IRPS, ITS, ICLS, IDAS, IIS, IDES, IOFS, Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service, DANICS, Pondicherry Civil Service, Pondicherry Police Service, and DANIPS are all services that contribute to a total of 24 posts in UPSC.

What rank is required for IAS?

The last rank for IAS in the general category of the 2021 UPSC Exam is 680. IFS Rank in the general category of the UPSC 2021 is 88.

What is the passing marks in UPSC mains?

Each qualifying paper must be passed with at least a 25% grade for candidates to advance to the main test.

Can we use phone in LBSNAA?

It is strictly forbidden for officer trainees (OTs) to use their phones in the classroom.