How Many Upsc Asp Irant Choose Zoology Optional?

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Is zoology optional is good for UPSC?

It is a reasonably popular optional subject among life sciences students who wish to pursue the IAS exam. Being a science subject, it is a specialised one, and therefore, only life sciences graduates or doctors (MBBS graduates) are recommended to take up zoology as their optional.

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Who got highest marks in zoology optional?

Total Marks And in 2018 you can see in table Pooja Yadav got 325 marks with the topper having 361 marks in optional.

Is B.Sc zoology enough for UPSC?

zoology is taken as an optional subject for the upsc exam. it is the best optional because it leads you to the best background with life science which rare. with these topic you can gain marks easily and can clear the exam with hardwork.

Which is the shortest optional in UPSC?

Philosophy has the shortest syllabus out of all of the optional subjects for the UPSC examination and is the reason for it is a popular choice amongst UPSC aspirants.

Which stream is best for zoology?

A science stream candidate who clears the 12th standard with biology as a subject is eligible for admission to BSc Zoology. For the PG course in Zoology, BSc/BSc (Hons) in Zoology is a must, though candidates who passed BSc/BA in medical and allied medical sciences/biosciences/life sciences are also eligible to apply.

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How long does it take to prepare for optional zoology?

4-5 months, if you study Zoology 12-15 hours per week. This should be enough. Also, it depends on how much can you recall your graduation concepts.

Which subject is easiest for optional?

Answer: Sociology, Geography, and Public Administration are easy subjects to score. Many candidates have scored more than 400 marks in these optional subjects as per the previous year’s result.

Which optional subject is more scoring?

Based on the general trend, the subjects which have the potential to help you score about 330 marks in optional exams (with your immense dedication, ofcourse) are Mathematics, Anthropology, Sociology, any Literature, Public Administration and Geography.

Which optional subject takes less time?

There is an abundance of reading material on geography, as this has been one of the best optional subjects for the UPSC mains exam. # Less time-consuming because major portions are already covered in GS. This means you will find yourself reading the same topics again.

Which field students crack UPSC most?

“Engineering students crack the UPSC exam because of the practical pedagogical methods they experience in their four-year engineering studies. This provides them with a better analytical aptitude as compared to Arts graduates,” says JK Dadoo, former IAS officer who was in the services for more than 35 years.