How Many Minutes For Upsc Mains 15 Marks?

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How much should you write for a 15 mark question UPSC?

For a 150-word limit question (10-marker), try to finish the answer in 135 words and for a 250-word limit question (15-marker) try sticking to within 225 words.

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How many pages should we write for 15 marks question UPSC?

1) UPSC CS Mains QCAB has 2 pages allotted for every 10 mark questions, 3 pages for 15 mark questions, 4 pages for 20 mark questions and 12 pages for essay question.

How much time does it take for UPSC mains?

Each paper is of three hours duration. Q 48. Can a candidate write the Civil Service (Main) Examination in English and take the interview in Hindi or any other Indian language?

How long is 150 words answer UPSC?

A general thumb rule which can be helpful in the exam hall is that – if the question has a 150-word limit, then the answer should be written within 1 and a half A4 pages. If it’s 250, then write the answer not going beyond 2.5 A4 pages.

How many pages are enough for 15 marks?

Write to the point – If for a 15 mark question you are writing 2–2.5 pages to the point you can get 11–12 marks which is good enough.

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How long should a 15 mark question be in history?

How long should our responses be, based on the mark allocation? For an extended response of 25 marks, you are expected to write between 800 – 1000 words that answer the question. For 15 marks, you are expected to write up to about 600 words and so on.

Can I write 15 pages in 2 hours?

Writing 15 pages will take about 3.1 hours for the average writer typing on a keyboard and 6.3 hours for handwriting. However, if the content needs to include in-depth research, links, citations, or graphics such as for a blog article or high school essay, the length can grow to 25 hours.

What is 7 5 3 rule in UPSC?

SEVEN – Candidates’ should aim to answer questions within 7 minutes per question. FIVE – Write 5 points in their answers related to the keyword. It would be better to break down the answer into bulleted points. THREE – Elaborate each point in 3 dimensions as per the requirements listed in the question.

How many lines should a 15 mark question?

15 marker should take around ~20-25 minutes so about 3-5 pages should suffice (this depends on how small/big your handwriting is!) Around three body paragraphs should be fine.

Is studying 5 hours a day enough for UPSC?

1) An aspirant may not be able to concentrate fully for the entire 5 hours; hence there will be gaps, 2) An aspirant has to study GS, optional, current affairs, etc., every day, and to divide the 5 hours, may not be effective. Hence, an aspirant should try to put at least 7-8 hours every day and gradually increase it.